Reflections from your Pastor……
How exactly do we, as North American Christians, blend into a society that is increasingly indifferent to following Jesus? Many Christian authors and leadership gurus state that we are living in a post-Christian era. Statistics show a sharp increase in those who don’t attend any kind of worship or belong to any kind of faith community, referred to as the “nones”. This growing population does not have any connection to any Christian denomination. Other surveys show a growing apathy and/or an apprehension towards organized religion.
So, back to the original question; how are we to live in this culture as a follower of Jesus Christ. First off, I think we have to parse what we mean by “blend in”. For if we mean something akin to being unable to differentiate between people who believe in God and those that do not, simply by observing them, I think we have failed to understand what being a disciple means. I like the analogy that Jesus uses in the parable about the woman making bread. She adds yeast to the flour and blends it in well in order that the entire batch of bread might be leavened. If we are the yeast that Jesus speaks of (participants in God’s kingdom in-breaking) then we are to permeate all facets of our society. And just like the yeast, to make a difference as we are blended in. The yeast has an impact on the entire batch and we are called to also have an impact for the kingdom in whatever we do. Yes, blended in, yes a part of society, but yet making a difference in order to grow God’s kingdom all around us. This does not require some special knowledge, a degree or memorizing the doctrines of the church. It only requires that you understand that you are loved by God beyond your comprehension and called to share that love with others. It doesn’t mean you are better than anyone else or more special to the divine, it means that you are committed to not hiding this incredible hope that is within you. Not at work, or school, or vacation or with friends, or at the gas station, or grocery store. Rather it is the conscious decision to allow your faith to have an impact in your world. So be the yeast, be blended in AND be the change in our society for the sake of God’s kingdom. May you feel God’s blessings surround you and keep you always in God’s grace.