In a time when “fake news” has become a global communication problem, our job as Christians has become much more difficult. I wonder if folks are so cynical of any message that the message of the Gospel goes unheard? In regards to the nightly news or the plethora of news media outlets, we might just tune out all news from any media. We might also gravitate towards listening to news or paying attention to media that fits with what we believe. Either way, the call of followers of Jesus remains that of speaking out against injustice when and where we see it for those who are on the margins of society. These injustices fly in the very face of God’s desire for God’s creation. So, searching and following God’s plan for us becomes a daily seeking and discernment of what God requires of us as God’s people. When we fail to discern and then speak up, we run the risk of being “fake”, in other words, not genuine to what God has called us to. The prophet Micah simplifies the message when he writes: He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? So if we want our message about God to be genuine, and not just more fake news, let us live out the Gospel and listen to the words of the prophet. Let our praise be more than anthems and Facebook rants; rather let our praise be the actions of a people who seek God’s will in real and tangible ways in all areas of our life together.